Saturday, March 27, 2010

And we will never...give up?

You've seen those protesters out there with their silly picket signs with stuff like "God hates Fags" and "Reform Healthcare" shit scribbled down on it right? It's pretty funny seeing how they're attempt to be able to finger paint stuff onto a white piece of wood and put it on a stake to probably slay that vampire around the corner. I get a good laugh driving down the street at my college campus and seeing them wanting a horn honk from locals just to get a giddy laugh. That isn't the biggest piece of cake out there. That's just the frosting on the cake. The main cake, is those who are furries and decide to proclaim every single one of their beliefs politically and ethically all at once on the biggest furry cluster-fuck of failure ever.

A gal by the name of Icen on FA about 12 days ago posted this picture onto the site.

This picture has failure written all over it, and I'm not talking about the political views. People have their own beliefs and views on a subject such as abortion and healthcare and all that long-worded stuff. Let's start with some praise so that the artist feels good somewhat. The fact that she puts down on the artists comments (though no furry reads there anymore these days) "And for those people who can't read: I am representing myself and my own views. Not yours, not an entire group's. Just my own." I applaud you Icen for your courageous, yet stupid attempt to let other furries into your personal life. Why am I bashing her already? I said this was a good post. It was, for that only reason. Let's start with the whole picture.

Rule of Posting on FurAffinity: Don't post political stuff
I applaud those who make the valiant effort to show what people believe in for the greater good, but when it comes down to brass tax, this isn't the place to be saying "Down with Fags" and other stuff. You should know and assume that you risk the trolling you will cause from posting a political debate subject onto a place for (zomg stereotype!) basement dwelling furries and also, you will be the cause of epic lulz from the drama your stupidity will ensue.

Rule of Thumb: Expect Arguements
You will never, ever get relief if you post politically debated views on a community site like FA from arguements. You will get them regardless of what you say. Resistance is futile. You'll get more lulz reading her gut-busting laughter of a song attempt (I believe) in the artist comments above her attempt to resist arguements.

I gotta criticize Icen's drawing, I just have to, so get ready.

Icen does a very good job at representing a very irritated college girl protesting apparent multiple debates. I also must say she did an okay job at expressing the emotion of rrrrraaggggeee (had to do it) and that's all I can say positive about it.
Icen apparently still needs to drop her crayons and move on to a pen and what's called a computer nowadays. When I first saw this picture, i seriously thought that an ignorant 8th grader drew this while bored in class. I was reminded she's older than that. Improvement comes a long way, yes, but she seems to be at that point of transition ya know? Also, wtf is up with the bushy tail? It's obviously a canine, but foxes have a bushy tail naturally, but not like that. She's a wolf and how the fuck do you get a bushy tail just shouting a string of stuff to feel better about yourself?

Go laugh and cause moar drama please as this picture alone racked up an awesome 157 (and still counting) comments alone full of drama and showing just how ignorant this person really is.

Bottom Line: She should have seen this coming. End of story.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Updates to Come...when I feel like it!

Hey guys, seeing as you've stumbled on this blog, I decided to start something that relates to how I think and see things in a different perspective and what my opinions are as a bystander and occasionally humor you guys with funny shit I see over the web, whether it be stupid videos or just plain stupid baw journals on FA. Seeing as I've come across pretty funny stuff on here, I decided to be an underground person and start poking fun at people away from Dragoneer and his staff. Expect lulz and other stuff to ensue within the coming days!