Friday, April 16, 2010

Can't breath!!

No, I'm not dying as I'm typing this, or I'd be going to the damned hospital instead of wasting my time posting this blog!!!

This post is about a girl, whom I have determined a pretty interesting observation about through her actions and previous knowledge through many different sources, such as friends, and of course, the internet, as we all know it's 100% accurate!!!

So, let's start from square one. Who am I talking about? It's about a gal on FurAffinity, named Asphyxiation, aka 1thirteen3, aka therainbowpussy. Now, I normally don't rag on anyone who I don't know the definitive story about and what they've done in the past, but their current actions have shown a lot.

Before I go on my rant, to asphyxiation, if you read this, no hard feelings. This is only to express what I've seen and not what the 4chan idiots posted, but you're probably stuck-up enough to ignore this and continue being self-centered and saying that I'm an idiot.

So, let's continue. Apparently, because I'm completely lazy tonight and I don't wanna post anything long, I'll sum it up. Asphyxiation is a gal on FurAffinity where she apparently had a crappy past and is making up the hundreds of commissions that she neglected to finish in the past and be the "Mary Sue" of FurAffinity. That's what I know so far, and have heard from sources over the internet and friends.

That's what I've heard, but doing the research (i.e. shuffling through journals and such), it's not the art that's kinda disturbing, it's her attitude. Honestly, I give her kudos for basically giving the furry fandom and 4-chan'rs the middle finger and saying fuck off, but her approach is what's got me typing this rant, so prepare.

To start, let's go for the basic ability to play the, "disregard that, play by my rules" card and flaunt it in journals. For instance, let's look at her journal titled ' *facepalms* ' and it'll prove my point. This is a journal where she completely rages over the fact that two pieces of artwork, which were, in my honest opinion, quite well done, got more responses and more attention than her artwork. I laugh how she has to rage and stomp her e-feet at the fury that one piece was a $40 commission (which, for the quality, is a  little high, but decent enough to look like a professional piece of work) as quoted here,

"I understand wanting to be nice to your friends, but why the FUCK would you half-ass a $40 commission? It's so fuckin...UGH."

I just find it funny that she has to say something like that. Critiquing someone for their artwork, compared to yours, is really pathetic and something that you really need to improve on. If you've got a problem with a price, then don't rage about it. Just build a bridge and get the fuck over it! Oh, it gets even better. She even has to put MOAR rage and even contradict herself in this next posting:

"How is it that she can charge the EXACT SAME PRICE as I do, and get about 40 commissions, when, needless to say, her commission work is low quality.

And I don't even like my own art, nuff said.

So, you're a pathetic person who hates that it's low quality with more commission requests than you, yet you hate your own artwork? Congrats on fail for lack of awareness that you contradicted your own statement. Last one, I swear. Here's the last part, which I find the funniest:

"This would also be the same "artist" who put me on block for critiquing her and telling her to stop using the smudge tool on tails. Her argument? "well it's a commission, they like it, so don't critique"

Umm...yes it is an excuse. If the customer is actually satisfied with a piece of artwork, even though you personally see a problem with a piece of artwork, it's a valid piece worthy of showing other people.

I would go on with the lol'n and pointing out her flaws, but her journals show enough of my point about this whole thing and honestly, I bet someone will link this to her and she'll put up a journal titled "moar lulz gaiz!"

Oh, and by the way, this is strictly observation and opinion. Can't take it from another guy, then get your pussy over your current sap's dick please.

'nuff said.