Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A recap and a major change.

After my most recent posts that weren't honestly that good in my opinion, I just wanted to clarify the reason to this blog, because nobody seems to be able to completely perform the art of arguing intelligently, so I want to just remind you readers just as to why I'm doing this blog.

The point of "Open Your Eyes" is to, literally, open your eyes to the situations that take place in the furry fandom and also to those people that cause situations and cause stuff to happen when they think they're right about something. This blog is also a way for me to just poke a finger at some one's side just to let them see what they did and laugh about it.

Silver, a man who I can say is an absolute genius in this fandom, along with my friends behind my back, is someone who, like me, is doing this because he likes to do it and it's fun to get reactions out of certain people who we except to either whine or complain about it in an unintelligent matter or in any matter that's funny. I still haven't gotten hate mail, unlike Silver who gets plenty from Pro-Chewfox and Pro-Allan crowds. Even so, I still want to get certain points across about people, which brings me to my next point in this post.

The major change: Calling people out in a blog post is only a cause to start drama, and I honestly hate dealing with it like I recently had to. I will now be practicing anonymity and not calling names out in the blog publicly. It's more of a way to tell you guys, "Hey, check this out! Someone did this!" but without putting their name in it. Reason? Well, it's not that I'm afraid anymore, it's more of a way for me to get that person thinking that when they read up about something that sounds like them, they can think about it and look at it better than just seeing their name and getting angry about it. If they ask me directly if I'm talking about them, I'm not afraid to tell them yes.

It's just an excuse to have some fun and make you guys think. Have fun people and don't start shit now ya hear??


Just kidding. I'm still calling people out. I'm an asshole, oh yes I am!

1 comment:

Silver said...

My name is Bryan "Silver" Daniels, and I approve this message. :D